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Visit Registration for Reception Through Telephone

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2023-06-14
  • View count:3456

Visiting Appointment


     To facilitate a minimal wait time for family visits and to achieve the objective of superior customer service, the Center is pleased to     offer telephone booking for visits., we are open to take phone call registration for reception.

2. Procedures for making appointments:

  • Family members please select a date for visit.
  • Please dial the appointment hotline and book the desired date and time slot for the visit.
  • Our agent will assess the eligibility of the caller, whether the inmate is allowed for visits, as well as the availability of the time slot chosen. Once eligible, the caller will be notified of the time slot and window.

    (1) Applicants and visit frequencies:


  • Limited to lineal relatives only (who are already registered on family cards), and those who have visited at least once through the general channel; each appointment is limited to 3 visitors.

       Visit frequencies allowed based on inmates’ classifications:

   ① Prisoners: pursuant to article 56 in Statute of Progressive Execution of Penalty

    (a).   For Level 4 (or unclassified) prisoners, once a week (any day).

    (b).   For Level 3 prisoners, once or twice a week.

    (c).   For Level 2 prisoners, once in every three days.

    (3) For Level 1 prisoners, unlimited visits.

   ② Illicit drug abusers: pursuant to article 22 in Act of Execution of Drug Abuser Treatment, 1 visit per week (any day).

   ③ Inmates on drug abstention and rehabilitation treatments: pursuant to article 12 in Act of Execution of Rehabilitation Treatment, 1 visit per week (any day).

   ④ Delinquents on drug abstention and rehabilitation treatments: pursuant to article 12 in Act of Execution of Rehabilitation Treatment, 1 visit per week (any day).

   ⑤ Juvenile inmates: pursuant to article 28 in Statute on the Establishment of Juvenile Detention Houses, unlimited visits.

  • Making appointments for visits:
  • Please make an appointment by 16:00 one business day prior to the visit.
  • Every Monday to Friday (no appointments will be made on weekends or public holidays) Morning 08:00-11:00 and afternoon 13:30-16:00.

    Appointment direct line: (07)6154131

    3 telephone appointments are allowed for staggered time slots (public holidays and Chinese New Year holidays excluded).

    Staggered time slots for visits:



1st        09:00~09:15

2nd       09:40~09:55

3rd       10:20~10:35

4th       11:00~11:15

5th       11:20~11:35

6th         142014:35

7th         150015:15

8th         15:40~15:55

9th         162016:35

  *Remarks: definitions of a week and a day: a week starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday. A day also includes Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays

3. Attention for telephone appointment:

  1. A second appointment cannot be made until the booked visit has been completed.
  2. Visitors booking over the phone please arrive 10 minutes prior to the time slot allocated; identifications (ID cards, driver’s licenses, and alien resident certificates or passports for foreign nationals) must be presented to complete the registration process. Should the family members miss their time slots, they must re-register and wait for the next available time slot.
  3. If family members have made appointments but are unable to attend accordingly, cancellation calls to 07-6154131 should be made by 16:00 one business day prior to their appointment. Those who made appointments in 6 months but had 3 no-shows and made no attempts to cancel, starting from their last appointment day on, they will not be eligible to make further telephone appointments for 6 months.
  4. Telephone appointments must be made with true identities; visitors will not be able to meet inmates if their identities are found to be falsified.



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