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Ordinary Reception

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2023-06-14
  • View count:3032

1.Visits are allowed on:

   Monday to Friday and First Sunday of each month (mornings 08:00-11:00 and afternoons 13:30-16:00),

   we are open to take phone call registration for reception.

2. Phone number and address for visits:

    (Business hours): (07) 6154059 ext.508 direct line: (07)6154131

3. Remarks on visits:

    (1)    Please present your ID or driver’s license for visits (first-time visitors must present IDs).

    (2)    Please present household certificates and NHI card to prove identities for teenagers or children without IDs.

    (3)    Visits are limited to 3 people, 1 child under the age of 12 is permitted.

    (4)    Food brought in should not exceed 2 kgs.

4. Notice for visit reservation through telephone:

    Frequencies of visits:

  • Prisoners: pursuant to article 56 in Statute of Progressive Execution of Penalty
  1. For Level 4 (or unclassified) prisoners, once a week (any chosen day).
  2. For Level 3 prisoners, once or twice a week.
  3. For Level 2 prisoners, once in every three days.
  4. For Level 1 prisoners, unlimited visits.
  • Illicit drug abusers: pursuant to article 22 in Act of Execution of Drug Abuser Treatment, 1 visit per week (any chosen day).
  • Inmates on drug abstention and rehabilitation treatments: pursuant to article 12 in Act of Execution of Rehabilitation Treatment, 1 visit per week (any chosen day).
  • Delinquents on drug abstention and rehabilitation treatments: pursuant to article 12 in Act of Execution of Rehabilitation Treatment, 1 visit per week (any chosen day).
  • Juvenile inmates: pursuant to article 28 in Statute on the Establishment of Juvenile Detention Houses, unlimited visits.

    *Remarks: definitions of a week and a day: a week starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday. A day also includes Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays

    Paying visits to:

  • Prisoners:
  1. For Level 4(or unclassified) prisoners: spouses, lineal relatives, collateral relatives of third-degree relatives, second-degree relatives through marriages, and fiancées/fiancés; inmates need to submit substantiating documents beforehand to get approvals.
  2. For Level 3 prisoners: people other than relatives are allowed to visit, however, antisocial behaviors must not be observed.
  3. For Level 2 prisoners: people other than relatives are allowed to visit, however, antisocial behaviors must not be observed.
  4. For Level 1 prisoners: people other than relatives are allowed to visit, however, antisocial behaviors must not be observed.
  • Illicit drug abusers: spouses, lineal relatives, collateral relatives of third-degree relatives, the second degree of relatives through marriages.
  • Inmates on drug abstention and rehabilitation treatments: limited to spouses and lineal relatives.
  • Delinquents on drug abstention and rehabilitation treatments: limited to spouses and lineal relatives.
  • Juvenile inmates: unless accompanied by their parents, friends are not permitted to visit.

    Staggered time slots for visits:



1st        09:00~09:15

2nd       09:40~09:55

3rd       10:20~10:35

4th       11:00~11:15

5th       11:20~11:35

6th         142014:35

7th         150015:15

8th         15:40~15:55

9th         162016:35

  *Remarks: definitions of a week and a day: a week starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday. A day also includes Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays


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